
Thursday, December 31, 2015


When I posted that we'd be moving house, and there might be a little break between blog posts, I could not have anticipated that my hiatus would be quite so long!  A month down the track, we are still battling to have internet connected at our new property.  It is just unbelievable to me, in this day and age, that we can't get internet.  I've experienced feelings of agitation, withdrawal, frustration, and ultimately defeat  ... I've just had to accept that it is all beyond my control.  We're still working on finding a viable solution, so please don't give up on visiting my blog.  I hold out hope that soon all of this will be a distant memory.

I have not created anything for two months, and am missing my "sanity saving" outlet desperately.  It will be at least another month before my new craft room is properly fitted out - boy, this move has been an exercise in patience.

I am pleased to say that I have internet access for a week.  I'll be busy catching up on what's been going on, online!  We are away at our holiday house, and, although it's situated in the country, I had no problem having internet connected - go figure.

I have commandeered the dining room, and set up a temporary crafting space.  I'm hoping to get lots of "play time" this coming week; it's very hot, so I will happily stay indoors, in airconditioned comfort, crafting to my heart's content.  Here's everything set up, ready for me to start creating tomorrow:

 I look forward to being able to share with you some of my creations soon.

HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone - here's to a great 2016!


  1. Well happily for me, I have found your blog, for the first time. I hope you have a very enjoyable week of craft and that it's not too long before you are up and running with your internet. xx

  2. Happy creating Christine. Looks like a beautiful space for some air conditioned creative time. Happy New Year.

  3. Happy New Year! Will wait patiently for you to get Internet service. Enjoy your temporary crafting space.

  4. Hi Christine. Happy New Year to you and your family, I hope you get your internet working soon, and that you can get back to normality after your big move!!! happy crafting, looking forwards to your creations, Cheers Anna.

  5. I hope things get sorted on the internet front soon, Christine! Man, I would feel like my right arm was cut off if I didn't have instant internet. Apart from internet problems, though, I hope you are happy with your new house.
