
Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I am starting to recover from 5 fun-filled days in Brisbane, that was Convention for this year.  Every year Stampin' Up! puts on a fantastic event, but this year they surpassed all expectations - it was amazing!  Being a Convention attendee in Stampin' Up!'s 25th anniversary year meant being showered with gifts, and fun times ... I didn't want it to end!  Convention itself was spread over 3 days, but I spent a little extra time in Brisbane with some of the other members of the Just Add Ink Design Team.  Boy, did we laugh.  A lot!

Apart from all the freebies, THE highlight of Convention is the people.  The Stampin' Up! staff, from Australia and New Zealand, and from the Home Office in Utah, put so much time, effort and love into making Convention a super-special time.  Saying goodbye to them at the end was like farewelling much-loved family members.  I love Convention for re-connecting with friends from around Australia and New Zealand .... and I have a few photo collages to share with you.  I normally attend Convention with members of my wider Stampin' Up! team, but this year stayed with the Just Add Ink girls.  I did manage lots of "hellos" and hugs with my other friends, but also managed to not get any photos with them (which wasn't intentional!).

In the top left corner are Nikki and Kim ... top right are Narelle and me.
The bottom photo is of Ruthy, Mae and Jodene.

Next up are pics of the gorgeous "roomie gifts" I received from a few of the girls I shared an apartment with.  They had to settle for my presence, as my gift to them!

More "people" shots.  The top photo is of all of the Just Add Ink team members who were at Convention, along with the ever-gracious, and extremely patient, Shelli and Sterling Gardner.  Shelli is the CEO and co-founder of Stampin' Up!, and Sterling is her "sweetheart", who attends Convention when he is able to.  It was great to have them both in Brisbane.

Bottom left is me, with Paula.  Bottom right I'm in between Donna Griffiths, and Bonnie Thurber, from the US Home Office.  Love all these women!!

.... and, to finish up, a few "general" shots.  The top photo is of Donna Griffith on stage, with the 25th anniversary backdrop (so cute).  Bottom left is the obligatory lunch shot!  SU! supplied lunch on two of the three days; the lunch boxes are always a treat.  Bottom right is a photo of the dessert buffet on offer, on awards night.

All in all, it was a wonderful three days.  I am happy to be home with my boys, but must admit I'm already daydreaming about Convention 2014!


  1. Looks like you had a blast Christine. xx

  2. Yes, it was a great time wasn't it Christine. Come on Melbourne 2014

  3. It was a wonderful 5 days Christine and lovely to spend time with lots of special friends too. xxx
